
I Can’t Afford It

We have blogged about Rich Dad in quite a few posts previously, but we saved this concept to blog separately because it is such a powerful mindset shift.

When you want to achieve it something in life, like if you want to buy a real estate as an investment, or go to a basketball game, or something more ambitious like buying a private jet or private yacht, the first thing that came to most people’s mind would always be: “I can’t afford it.” Well yes, this statement maybe true at the moment, but the underlying negative impact of thinking like that is that it stops your brain from proceeding. It means it is the end of the discussion and move on. There is no answer, period.

Instead, you want to think “How Can I Afford It?” It is literally saying the same thing, but by shifting from a statement to a question, it opens up the creative side of your brain, and allows you to consider what are the possible alternatives to make this happen?

We at DoorInvestor have seen countless times how this works magic, and here are some examples:

  1. Real Estate – Borrow from friends and relatives as downpayment to purchase the property
  2. Jet / Yacht – Partner with someone to purchase, or rent it out as short term rental to recover part of the expenses
  3. Tickets – Figure out where else you can save up the money so you may spend on a lifestyle event of your choice

As you can seen, the options are endless if you free up your mind. That is why, next time when you encounter a similar situation, do not tell yourself, “I can’t afford it.” Instead, ask yourself the simple question: “How can I afford it?”

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