
Perfect Day

We at DoorInvestor encourage every team member to write down his/her “Perfect Day.” The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to visualize how you want to live your life. Think about it: Most of us live in “busy, yet routine, schedule” in which we are constantly running around chasing to complete the next task, sometimes we are not even sure what is the reason. Do we really just want to live in this type of lifestyle everyday, for the rest of our lives?

If you answer “NO,” we should change by first writing down our Perfect Day. The way to do it is simple yet powerful:

First, we need to make several assumptions: For example, you may assume you do not need to work a W2 job and report to a boss, or you may assume you work a part time W2 job and can leave job whenever you want.

Next thing is you need to define your perfect day with some creativity but yet rational. For example, it is good to say in my perfect day I will be driving my significant other to breakfast with my brand new car. But it may be irrational to say I will be flying with my significant other to Mars every week to have lunch. The intention of writing down the perfect day is to give you something to work towards; it is not intended to be jotting down your dream.

Last but not least, when writing your perfect day, you need to be as specific as possible, laying out all the details is just fine. For example, it is better to write something like “my alarm clock sets off at 6:15 am and I…” as opposed to writing something like “I wake up in the morning and I…” More information to paint a fuller picture of your perfect day, the better.

People always say, there is a difference between something that only exists in your brain, and something that actually gets written down. This is why it is very important for you to write down your prefect day on a piece of paper, or your journal, or your laptop. Do NOT just visualize it in your mind. There is a very important positive psychological effect when you write it down – as it becomes a legitimate outcome that you want to work towards.

It is not clear to us who first published the idea of writing down the perfect day, but we first read about this concept in the book “The Turnkey Revolution” by Christopher D. Clothier (Buy its Kindle version at Amazon here). By the way, turnkey is a legitimate real estate investing method, and we shall cover this topic in a future blog post.

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