
Work When You Want To

It was Veteran’s Day weekend last few days, although it was not a “major” holiday, most companies (except banks) actually requested employees to report to work, but part of the perk for being a real estate investor (a.k.a. DoorInvestor) is that I can work when I want to, not because I have to.

This is a phenomenon concept when you think about it, and one of the biggest mis-conception about FIRE. When you achieve financial independence, it does not mean you lose your meaning of life. You can still work everyday like you used to be. The main difference though, is that mindset-wise you no longer need to wake up and go to work because you HAVE to, you now wake up and go to work because you WANT to.

How exactly can you do that? Well, besides starting with the mindset shift, you also need an action plan. Any action plan is better than no action plan. For example, your plan can be to buy lottery ticket every week, or to save every dollar you can going forward, or to invest in real estate market. Whatever you choose as the vehicle is less relevant, what is important is that you get started and you get started right now!

In my case, I chose to spend quality time with family over the weekend, so I decided to turn off my laptop and stopped blogging for a few days. It does not change my end goal financially when I did that. But now, I am back to blogging again, and that is because this is what I want to do, not because what I have to…

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